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Home » Perennials

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Geum - Mrs. Bradshaw
Geum - Mrs. Bradshaw
The Geum 'Mrs. Bradshaw', Geum chiloense, produces lovely scarlet, semi-double flowers that are shaped like small roses. Its fresh green, fuzzy foliage makes it different from the rest. With a plant height of 3'� and a spread of 12-18'�, this is a highly valued plant. 'Mrs. Bradshaw'� has a long blooming season, from May to July, and is easy to care for. Not bothered by pest or insects, it is one to defiantly try.'Mrs. Bradshaw'� needs full sun but can tolerate afternoon shade, in moist well-drained soil. It is a perfect addition to any cottage garden, makes a wonderful combination with bright yellows, gold'�s and true blues (like Delphiniums, Salvias), for borders and mass plantings and for cuttings.


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Price: $20.95
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