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Home » Perennials

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Geum - Blazing Sunset
Geum - Blazing Sunset
The Geum Blazing Sunset, 'Geum flore plena', produces prolific scarlet, double flowers that are shaped like small roses. Its fresh green, fuzzy foliage makes it different from the rest. With a plant height of 2'� and a spread of 12-18'�, this is a highly valued plant. 'Blazing Sunset'� has a long blooming season, from May to September, and is easy to care for. They are not bothered by pest or insects amd they are defiantly one to try.'Blazing Sunset'� needs full sun but can tolerate afternoon shade, and moist well-drained soil. It is a perfect addition to any cottage garden and makes a wonderful combination with bright yellows, gold'�s and true blues (like Delphiniums, Salvias), for borders and mass plantings and for cuttings.


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Price: $11.95
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