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Home » Bushes and Shrubs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Lilac - Primrose
Lilac - Primrose
Primrose Lilac, Syringa vulgaris 'Primrose', is a French Hybrid Lilac with cream colored, single blooms produced abundantly in May. The attractive dark green foliage fills this strong and long lived shrub, giving the homeowner a lifetime of satisfaction. The yellow color gets richer with age and more intense in cooler climates. This Primose Lilac is truly outstanding and you will stun your neighbors with its beautiful, rare yellow flowers! Primose Lilac prefers full sun, good drainage and air circulation. If one removes flowers as they fade, as well as older wood and suckers, it will improve the plants appearance and flower production. Primose Lilac can be used in many situations, including shrub borders, informal hedges and perennial borders. It has a rounded shape that grows 10-12 feet in height and width. Being very showy and extremely fragrant, it makes a wonderful screen or border specimen.


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Price: $18.95
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