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Home » Bushes and Shrubs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Lilac - President Grevy
Lilac - President Grevy
President Grevy Lilac, Syringa vulgaris 'President Grevy', is an upright, vigorously growing French Hybrid Lilac with double, lilac-blue, fragrant flowers that are produced on large panicles in May. It is a leggy, suckering, deciduous shrub, somewhat irregular in shape. This is a strong, long lived shrub that will give a lifetime of flowering satisfaction. President Grevy Lilac prefers full sun, good drainage and air circulation. If one removes flowers as they fade, as well as older wood and suckers, it will improve the plants appearance and flower production. President Grevy Lilac can be used in many situations, including shrub borders, informal hedges and perennial borders. It is a good bloomer, deciduous and a fast grower, reaching 10-12 feet tall and spreading to 8 feet wide. Being very showy and extremely fragrant, it makes a wonderful screen or border specimen.


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Price: $17.95
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