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Home » Bushes and Shrubs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Elderberry - York
Elderberry - York
York Elderberry, Sambucus canadensis 'York', has the largest fruit and is most productive of any elderberry. The sweet fruit is excellent for making pies, jams and wine. Elderberry fruit makes incredible juice that has wonderful flavor and are very high in Vitamin C. Fruit set improved when more than one cultivar is used. It does well paired with 'Adams' Elderberry. Be sure to give it lots of room if planted in rich garden soil. It has bright green foliage and grows in full sun to part shade in moist, garden soil. Prune in late winter to desired shape and size. To control size, you can cut them back to the ground each year, as they bloom on new and old wood. It grows 8 to10 feet tall and 10 to 12 feet wide and becomes a beautiful ornamental, upright shrub. Use it as an accent plant, shrub border. hedge or naturalistic planting. This hardy shrub attracts birds.


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Price: $16.95
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