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Home » Bushes and Shrubs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Elderberry - Red Berried Elder
Elderberry - Red Berried Elder
Red Berried Elder, 'Sambucus pubens', has an upright, irregular shape and is great for the wildlife as the fruit is not edible for people. Yellow-white flowers in spring form attractive scarlet fruit in June. The fruit on this elderberry is edible for humans only after it has been cooked. Red Berried Elderberry develops into a vase-shaped form as it ages . It is very hardy and can grow in full sun to full shade. Its dark green summer foliage makes it a nice accent plant, shrub border, hedge or naturalistic planting. This native shrub of Minnesota attracts birds and grows 10-12 feet in height with a width of 8-15 feet.


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Price: $17.95
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