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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Swiss Chard - Fordhook Giant
Swiss Chard - Fordhook Giant
The Swiss Chard Fordhook Giant, 'Beta vulgaris', will grow in heat and cold, is nutritious, and has a long harvest period. Fordhook Giant can either be steamed, stir-fried, or eaten fresh. Swiss Chard is a green that many seasoned gardeners claim everyone must grow. The leaves can be harvested from late spring continuing all the way to the first frost. It will also tolerate partial shade.Swiss Chard is actually a beet without the beet. instead of growing beets, the plant grows wide, dark green, heavily crumpled leaves that are very tasty. Plant in early spring, 2 to 4 weeks before last frost or as late as 2 months before first fall frost. In warm climates, plant in late summer for fall/winter crop. Chard grows best in in well drained soil with lots of organic matter.


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Price: $1.59
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