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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Swiss Chard - Bright Lights Mix
Swiss Chard - Bright Lights Mix
The Swiss Chard Bright Lights, 'Beta vulgaris (Cicla group)', has spectacular stem colors that can include yellow, gold, orange, pink, purple, or intermediate shades of these colors. Some believe the leaves of Bright Lights are tastier than spinach. The stalks crunch like celery but have a slight hint of asparagus. Bright Lights has an improved, lighter flavor and is delicious raw in salads. Swiss Chard can tolerate shade and will not get bitter in hot weather.Swiss Chard is actually a beet without the beet. instead of growing beets, the plant grows wide, dark green, heavily crumpled leaves that are very tasty. Plant in early spring, 2 to 4 weeks before last frost or as late as 2 months before first fall frost. In warm climates, plant in late summer for fall/winter crop. Chard grows best in in well drained soil with lots of organic matter.


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Price: $2.39
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