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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Blue Chinese Wisteria
Blue Chinese Wisteria
Blue Chinese Wisteria, Wisteria sinensis, is a twining, woody vine valued for its pendulous clusters of extremely fragrant violet-blue flowers. Chinese Wisteria is a shade tolerant vine, but it only blooms when grown in partial to full sun. It is perfect for covering patios, arbors or fences. This plant is often grown with multiple trunks but it can be trained to a single trunk as a small tree. Chinese Wisterias are deciduous. It is a fast grower with stems to 25 feet or longer. The vine often climbs trees, and is most striking when seen in full bloom draped from the limbs of a high pine. Leaves consist of 7 to 13 leaflets of large size; after flowering, very attractive, velvety pods are produced, containing seed. It is probably best used for training to grow onto an arbor where flowers can droop and form a fragrant ceiling of color.


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Price: $24.95
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