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Home » Bushes and Shrubs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Viburnum - Arrowwood
Viburnum - Arrowwood
The Arrowwood Viburnum, Viburnum dentatum, is a deciduous shrub which usually grows 6 to 8 feet in height, reaching 15 feet under ideal conditions. Spread is equal to height. The habit is dense and multistemmed with arching branches. The foliage is glossy dark green, fall colors are yellows, reds and purples. The creamy flowers are not fragrant and they appear in early summer for two weeks on 2 to 4 inch cymes. The fall fruit is a blue-black drupe, small, very attractive to birds which disseminate the seeds. An adaptable and hardy shrub, produces many suckers, which must be pruned back to keep the plant compact. It withstands high pH, heavy soils and various climatic conditions, some salt tolerance.


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Price: $15.95
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