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Home » Flower Bulbs » Fall Bulbs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Tulip - Single Late - Cum Laude
Tulip - Single Late - Cum Laude
The Mayflowering Tulip 'Cum Laude', Tulipa, has a vibrant lavender blue color. The classic aristocrats of the garden, these tall tulips are classified as Single Late which is a combination of the old Cottage and Darwin varieties. They are probably the most widely known and popular of all tulips grown today. With their broad range of bright colors and long stems, they are ideal for beds and borders as well as cutting. Bulbs produce large, vivid color tulips that will start blooming this spring. These outstanding tulips will provide striking accents for the garden. For the best effects, plant the bulbs in clusters of 5 to 15 bulbs of one variety, or scatter clusters throughout the garden or flower border. Tulips do best in well-drained soil. It is advisable not to plant tulips in the same location in the garden year after year. If possible, plant in a somewhat sheltered location.


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Price: $8.45
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