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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Oriental Poppy - Raspberry Queen
Oriental Poppy - Raspberry Queen
The Oriental Poppy 'Raspberry Queen', Papaver orientale, has raspberry pink blooms with black margins. Papaver Hybrids. This is a fine selection of the most outstanding new hybrid Oriental Poppy varieties. The flowers are huge and brightly colored with velvety fringed and frilled petals. They are fully double with bold markings and designs.These hybrid poppies bloom in May and June each year on vigorous plants about 3' tall. They are truly spectacular. Plant them in groups or in the perennial border and you will enjoy them for a lifetime. They do well in the sun or slight shade in well drained soil. Plant 15-18 apart. Raspberry Queen are best used as cut flowers, as a border plant and as underplantings to larger, late flowering perennials. They do go dormant in July or August, and the foliage will die back completely to the ground. Avoid planting in wide open spaces.


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Price: $9.45
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