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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Foxglove - Giant Shirley Mixed Colors
Foxglove - Giant Shirley Mixed Colors
The Giant Shirley Foxglove Mix, 'Digitalis 'Giant Shirley'�, contains tall 4' erect plants with elongated, spotted bell-shaped flowers of red, white and pink. Prefers moderately rich soil and self seeds readily. These are showy and compact perennials that have beautiful, gigantic flower spikes, giant being the key word. Giant Shirley is perfectly named as her flowers are nearly twice the size of other Foxgloves. They start blooming in mid April and continues through mid June.Digitalis should be planted in full sun but will tolerate morning shade. It blooms early to mid summer. Being a major attraction to bees, butterflies and birds, it is a must in any garden. Try planting it in woodland gardens, as a border plant or cut-flowers. Remember to leave some dead flower stalks to self sow for future flowers. (All parts of Digitals are poisonous if ingested and can be invasive.)


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Price: $17.45
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