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Home » Flower Bulbs » Fall Bulbs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Dragon Arum
Dragon Arum
The Dragon Arum, Dracunculus vulgaris, has a large crimson red flower with tall black pistils. Unusual and exotic looking, there's nothing else like it. Leaves are sickle-shaped and divided, resembling a dragon's claw.Though it looks like it ought to be tropical, it is not; and it transfers to the temperate garden with great ease. The very striking deep purple-black spathe sends upward a shimmering purple-black jack which can grow to as long as fifty inches, though a foot length is more likely and still mightily impressive. The thick sturdy stalks look like those on certain jack-in-the-pulpits, with a snakeskin pattern, and the leaves arranged in sets of three look like an ornate ruffly version of trilliums.


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Price: $11.95
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