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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Iris - Siberian - Roaring Jelly
Iris - Siberian - Roaring Jelly
The Siberian Iris Roaring Jelly, 'Iris', displays pink blooms that turn violet-purple. One of the most easily grown Iris, it originated from Northern Asia, and does well in all types of weather conditions. This iris is best grown in a humus soil. Originally available only in violet purple, we now offer many other colors which have the same fine naturalizing habits. Siberian Iris are elegant, easy to grow, and make stunning cut flowers. They thrive in almost every garden environment. They prefer wet soils at the margins of ponds, and are hardy even in the coldest areas. Use to prevent erosion on difficult banks or provide handsome vertical accents in the border. They are graceful when established in broad drifts in an open area. Planted in groups of 3 or more, they will eventually form large clumps.


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Price: $8.05
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