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Home » Flower Bulbs » Spring Bulbs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Gladiolus - Glamini - Christopher
Gladiolus - Glamini - Christopher
The Gladiolus Christopher, 'Glamini Gladiolus Christopher, 'displays maroon petals with a white center. These petite beauties are new to the industry and are a spectacular new addition to American gardens. This gladiola is half the height of the old-fashioned glads, but still has bright colors that stand out at a distance. Since these Glaminis are so short and naturally sturdy, they don't need to be staked making them perfect for mixed borders , annual beds, tropical gardens, and even containers. Give them plenty of sun, well drained fertile soil, and plant a batch of bulbs every other week in early spring for continuous gorgeous blooms. Bulb size 10-12 cm in circumference. They are hardy in zones 8-10. They must be dug and stored in colder zones.


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Price: $9.20
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