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Home » Flower Bulbs » Spring Bulbs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Daylily - Seal of Approval
Daylily - Seal of Approval
The Daylily Seal of Approval, 'Hemerocallis', displays soft white petals that are frosted in the delicate shades of rosy lavender on slightly ruffled edges. With a bright daffodil-yellow eye, this is a semi-evergreen variety and a mid-season re-bloomer. Daylilies are the perfect perennial. Each plant sends up many flower stems, and each stem bears 12 or more buds. Bloom is lavish and continues for several weeks or more on each plant. Trouble-free, maintenance-free, they tolerate most soils and conditions if they get at least 6 hours of sun. Use them in a perennial border, in front of shrubbery, as an edging along a walk or wall, and in your bulb beds, where they hide the ripening foliage of tulips and daffodils. They need dividing only every 10-15 years. Plants 18-24 apart.


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Price: $16.10
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