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Home » Flower Bulbs » Spring Bulbs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Dahlia - Speckled - Let's Dance
Dahlia - Speckled - Let's Dance
The Speckled Dahlia Let's Dance, 'Dahlia Let's Dance', produces vivid flowers that are the color of roasted peaches shot with red. Each dahlia flower is so saturated with color that it stands out for miles. These flowers are the freckled rebels of the dahlia garden with their bright petals sparked with red. Like other dahlias, these speckled posies are easy to grow and drink up summer sunshine and heat with gusto. Give these groovy dahlias plenty of bloom boosting fertilizers for a fabulous floral display. These dahlias are perfect for cutting gardens or incorporated in the back of the border. They are hardy zones 8-10, dig and store during winter in colder zones.


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Price: $8.05
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