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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
White Mulberry
White Mulberry
The White Mulberry tree, Morus Alba Tatarica, has many common names, such as, White mulberry, Russian mulberry, Silkworm mulberry, and Moral blanco. The White Mulberry is an excellent and handsome shade tree and is often planted on field edges in irrigated, semi-arid lands where it is also valued for fruit, poles and timber. This deciduous trees has a deep-rooting habit which makes it a suitable tree for linear plantings. It is a widely grown fruit which can be eaten fresh, preserved, vinified or, in some semi-arid areas, dried for winter use. Mulberries thrive in full sun and dislike crowded conditions; they prefer deep soils and need good drainage; they are frost resistant. Mulberries thrive over a very wide range of warm temperate, sub-tropical and tropical conditions.


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Price: $19.95
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