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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Rhubarb - Chipmans Canada Red
Rhubarb - Chipmans Canada Red
The Chipmans Canada Red Rhubarb, Rheum 'Chipmans Canada Red', is one of the sweetest of the red rhubarbs with bright red stems that are delicious for sauces and pies. Be sure to pull the stems loose, don't cut them off. This perennial should be mulched deeply with manure each fall. Rhubarb thrives in cool locations and full sun, but in warmer climates, plants benefit from light shade but form longer, thinner stems. Rhubarb needs deep, moist but well-drained soil, and is generally trouble-free. Slow growth of older plants is a signal that they need dividing. This rhubarb does harvest well in fall and seldom goes to seed. This attractive perennial plants will accent your landscape and remain productive for decades.


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Price: $30.95
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