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Home » Small Fruits

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Grape - Concord
Grape - Concord
The Concord Grape, Vitis 'Concord', is a well-known, high quality blue-black grape that is delicious for fresh eating, juice, jelly or jam. Its berry size and clusters are medium to large. Good for home gardens because it is a reliable producer and vigorous grower. Ripening in late September, it is one of the oldest cultivated American grape varieties still commonly grown. Some Missouri vineyards grow this Concord for producing sweet after dinner wines. The skin of a Concord grape is typically dark blue or purple, and often is covered with a lighter colored bloom which can be rubbed off. It is a slip-skin variety, meaning that the skin is easily separated from the fruit. It's best to train the stronger cane of the two canes that develop from the plant to a strong stake, five to six feet tall. Remove any suckers growing from the base of the canes.


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Price: $22.95
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