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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Radiant Crabapple
Radiant Crabapple
The Radiant Crabapple tree, Malus 'Radiant', produces crimson buds that open to single, striking pink flowers that will light up your landscape. This tree puts on a spectacular spring show. It produces 1/2 inch bright red fruits in the fall. The new foliage has a reddish tint which ages to green. Performing best in full sun, it is a fast-growing, compact, deciduous tree. This crabapple forms a compact, symmetrical crown and is very hardy. It performs best in moderately moist, acidic, well-drained soil. The Radiant Flowering Crabapple tree is very disease resistant to scab, cedar-apple rust, mildew and fire blight. It is grown for cider, cooking, eating, or a combination of uses. Prune in spring to maintain shape and structure.


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Price: $22.95
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