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Home » Bushes and Shrubs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Western Sand Cherry
Western Sand Cherry
Western Sand Cherry, prunus besseyi, displays attractive, single, white flowers in May that are followed by an abundance of 3/4 purple-black sweet fruits that are used for preserves. This hardy rounded shrub has silver-green foliage and prefers a well-drained site. Sandcherry is fairly drought tolerant but prefers loamy type soils. It grows 5-6 feet in height and width, forming a rounded shape, and is a great shrub for farmstead windbreaks. Fruits are relished by many songbirds and is a nesting cover for a few species of songbirds. The fruits can be eaten fresh, dried, or processed as jellies and pies. Used in screen, hedge, or border plantings..


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Price: $16.95
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