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Home » Trees

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Paw Paw
Paw Paw
The Paw Paw tree, Asimina triloba, is a multi-stemmed shrub or small tree with short trunk and rounded top that presents a semi-tropical appearance. PawPaw trees average about 15' in height at maturity. It prospers in moist soils and when placed at the edge of a wooded area as an understory tree. It is recognized by its 'sleepy'� summer foliage and nodding bright purple flowers in the spring. The unusual 3-lobed flowers are followed by a black, edible berry, with a taste similar to banana-pear with a custard consistency. This deciduous trees is growing in popularity largely because of the edible fruit it produces. These highly nutritous oval fruits get 2 to 5 inches long, and turn yellow-orange when ripe. The fruit is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. Two trees are necessary for pollination reasons. Fall color is a brilliant yellow.


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Price: $19.95
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