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Home » Bushes and Shrubs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Smokebush - Velvet Cloak
Smokebush - Velvet Cloak
Velvet Cloak Smokebush, cotinus coggygria 'Velvet Cloak', is an upright and spreading form of Smokebush, which maintains it's dark purple color extremely well throughout summer, with panicles of smoky-purple to beige flowers blooming in mid-summer. This gives the effect of a cloud of smoke. It is a tough and tolerant shrub, requiring well-drained soil; and Velvet Cloak Smokebush thrives in part to full sun; the leaves are greener in shade, burgundy in full sun. It tolerates considerable drought once it is established. With minimal pruning it will naturally form a large shrub or small tree over time. If pruned to 6 to 8 inches tall in winter, it will produce long stems with striking, oversized foliage. It makes a wonderful accent as a shrub border, can be planted as a specimen, or as a patio tree. May be pruned back hard in spring. Many people grow this shrub just for its vivid fall color.


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Price: $18.95
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