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Home » Bushes and Shrubs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Lilac - Monge
Lilac - Monge
Monge Lilac, Syringa vulgaris 'Monge' is an outstandingly showy and fragrant French Hybrid Lilac that produces an abundance of red-purple single flowers in May. It is a consistent heavy bloomer and it has the true lilac scent. This upright growing shrub has blue-green foliage that turns purple in the fall. It is easily grown in average, medium moist, well-drained soil in full sun. Monge Lilac tolerates light shade, but best bloom is in full sun. It prefers organically rich, slightly acidic soils with good drainage. Once it is established, it only needs occasional watering. Being very showy and extremely fragrant, it makes a wonderful screen or border specimen. This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds. It is a large and fast growing bush reaching 8-12 feet in height and 8-10 in width.


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Price: $18.95
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