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Home » Bushes and Shrubs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Lilac - Donald Wyman
Lilac - Donald Wyman
Donald Wyman Lilac, Syringa x prestoniae 'Donald Wyman', has purple buds that open to single, red-purple fragrant flowers in early to mid-June. This hardy, upright growing Canadian Lilac blooms two weeks later than Common Lilacs. The flowers on the panicles tend to be finer and more delicate than those on other lilacs, and its fragrance is more spicy too. It makes an excellent specimen or hedge planting. This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds and requires average water needs; water regularly; do not overwater. Donald Wyman Lilac prefers full sun, good drainage and air circulation. It tolerates light shade, but best bloom is in full sun. It can be used in many situations, including shrub borders, informal hedges and perennial borders. Being very showy and fragrant, it makes a wonderful screen or border specimen and grows 8-10 feet tall and 4-10 feet wide.


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Price: $18.95
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