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Home » Bushes and Shrubs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Burning Bush - Rudy Haag
Burning Bush - Rudy Haag
Rudy Haag Burning Bush, Euonymus alatus 'Rudy Haag', is a consistent pink-red fall color. Its excellent habit and form will make this a popular selection. The fall color can be spectacular! The small, yellowish green flowers that appear in May are not showy much like the small fruits that appear in the fall. This very compact, slow growing shrub performs best in full sun. This is grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Rudy Haag is an adaptable shrub which tolerates a wide range of soils and full shade, but will not tolerate wet, poorly-drained soil. Since it has a strong, branching growth habit it can withstand heavy pruning. This versatile, dwarf shrub, with brilliant fall color, can be used as a hedge, screen, foundation or border plant. It has no disease or insect problems.


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Price: $19.95
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