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Home » Fruit Trees

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
The Gala apple blends modern and old-fashioned parentage.The Gala matures to a bright overall red color, with bold red stripes over a yellow background. The fruit is firm, juicy, fine textured, with a yellow white flesh. The Gala is sweet, with a slightly tart flavor. It is a highly coveted apple by the consumer, with great bouquet, flavor and color. It is aromatic with a very sweet flavor and it has a crisp and firm texture. The Gala ripens early and stores very well (shelf life-6 months in regular storage). The Gala, a fresh fruit delight, is very much in demand for fresh salads and it's got the mild flavor that picky eaters prefer and a striking bright yellow-red color that attracts the eye!


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Price: $29.99
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