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Home » Fruit Trees

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Flavor Grenade
Flavor Grenade
The Flavor Grenade Pluot�, (interspecific), 'Prunus pluot', produces an elongated bi-colored fruit with a red blush. The Fire Grenade has a crisp texture and explosive flavor. The fruit is juicy and firm an will hang on the tree for 4 to 6 weeks. Pollenate with a Japanese plum. The stone pit is small and it is a freestone. The complex, intense flavor of Pluot� is unique to interspecifics, much like a blend of fruit juices where the mixture is an improvement over any of the separate ingredients. Additionally, the sugar content of the interspecifics is much higher than in any standard plum or apricot--yielding fruit of incomparable sweetness.


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Price: $29.99
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