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Home » Bushes and Shrubs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
St Johns Wort - Sunburst
St Johns Wort - Sunburst
The St. John's Wort 'Sunburst', 'Hypernicum', also known as Golden St. John's Wort, has excellent yellow blooms that appear from June until July. St. John's Wort is easy to maintain and grow, preferring full sun to part shade in well drained soil. It will perform better in rich, sandy loams. It is tolerant of some drought but mulching the roots in the winter would be suggested. St. John's Wort is noted for its large golden yellow flowers and attractive blue green foliage. Growing 3-4' tall and wide, it is a native from Kentucky to North Carolina south to Georgia, Alabama and Texas where it typically occurs in rocky hills, limestone glades and barrens. Use this plant in shrub borders, hedges, foundations and planted in mass.


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Price: $13.95
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