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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Natural Horticulture Vinegar
Natural Horticulture Vinegar
Natural Horticulture Vinegar is non-toxic with 20% acetic acid. Uses Yucca extract as a natural surfactant (sticking agent). Non-selective vegetation killer acts as a dehydrator by stripping the protective coating off the plant'�s surface. Ready to use concentrate is quick and convenient. Most effective on warm, sunny days. The heat of the midday sun will turn most plants totally brown 2 to 6 hours after application. Some plants with thick waxy-coated skins may need a second application within 2 to 4 hours. In heat over 85 degrees, or on tender vegetation, you can dilute Horticultural Vinegar 1 to 1 with water. Minimally effective against plants with large root systems such as: Bermuda grass, ivies, brush and trees. A top kill will be apparent, but these plants will most likely resprout in a week or so.


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Price: $29.95
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