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Home » Flower Bulbs » Fall Bulbs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Tulip - Greiggii - Red Riding Hood
Tulip - Greiggii - Red Riding Hood
The Tulip 'Red Ridinghood', 'Tulipa Greigii', a fall planted bulb, produces plump red flowers with vivid scarlet-red inner petals framing a black inner base. This old favorite is planted in many early spring gardens. The unique mottled foliage adds to its attractiveness. Greigii tulips are great for beds, borders, rock gardens, and cut flowers. They bloom in mid spring and produce one six-petaled flower on a short, rigid stem. The petals are usually pointed. They have an added attraction in that the leaves are usually patterned with stripes or spots, in purple or brown. Finally, they naturalize very well. If you leave them alone, they come back year after year, and even multiply.


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Price: $11.95
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