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Home » Flower Bulbs » Fall Bulbs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
The Snowdrop, 'Galanthus Nivalis', is a fall planted bulb. Snowdrops are probably the very first flowers to peep their heads through the ground at the end of the winter, as soon as the snow melts. The small nodding, milky white flowers are bell-shaped and have green spots. They arise in frosty ground, multiplying freely over time. The genus consists of a dozen species that are native to Asia Minor and Europe.The bulbs should be left in the ground after flowering. Allow foliage to die back naturally to make these bulbs last for years. If clumps become too crowded, lift and divide them into smaller groups in late spring. Snowdrops bloom in early spring for a 3 to 4 week period. They are great for indoor forcing, rock gardens, containers, mass planting, and borders. They are rabbit, deer, and squirrel resistant.


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Price: $10.45
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