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Home » Flower Bulbs » Fall Bulbs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Iris - Dwarf - Katherine Hodgkin
Iris - Dwarf - Katherine Hodgkin
The Dwarf Iris 'Katherine Hodgkin', 'Iris reticulata', a fall planted bulb, is a dainty dwarf iris which originally came from such areas as Turkey and the Caucasus. The incredible new triple coloration of the flower makes this a truly unique dwarf iris with pale blue and yellow tones. These Irises are cultivated on a fairly large scale. The slightly fragrant flower is relatively large and the flower color ranges from pale blue to violet-purple. Katherine Hodgkin blooms very early in the spring. They are easy grow and they will come back year after year. If planted in good location, they will even multiply. They are good for rock gardens, under shrubs and trees, in beds, borders, and containers and for indoor forcing. They need a well drained soil. .


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Price: $9.95
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