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Home » Flower Bulbs » Fall Bulbs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Crocus - Species - Ruby Giant
Crocus - Species - Ruby Giant
The Crocus 'Ruby Giant', 'Crocus species', is a fall planted bulb. Once the Ruby Giant bulbs have established themselves, their early flowering lilac-purple flowers, and silver-striped leaves, emerge in seemingly infinite numbers. They do this year after year. Because they are so low-growing, they remain less affected by the wind and rain than many of their fellow crocuses. They are native to the Balkans. Ruby Giant blooms in early spring and has a 3 week bloom period.Crocuses perform best in a sandy, well-drained soil. Crocus bulbs remaining in the ground will always bloom a bit earlier than the ones planted the previous year. For a massive effect, plant in great sweeps of 100 to 150 bulbs. Use them in rock gardens, ground covers, containers, mass plantings and borders.


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Price: $9.95
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