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Home » Flower Bulbs » Fall Bulbs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Crocus - Giant - Jeanne D'Arc
Crocus - Giant - Jeanne D'Arc
The Crocus 'Jeanne d'Arc', 'Crocus giant', fall planted bulb, is a brave winter-defying crocus that is gleaming virginal white, with a slight tinge of purple at the base. The glossy, deeply cupped petals surround a vivid orange stigma. Upright, slender foliage softly surrounds the blooms, then dies back to allow the flower to take center stage. If you have the space, plant dozens to achieve a natural meadow or woodland effect. Jeanne d'Arc blooms in early spring and has 3 week bloom period.Crocuses perform best in a sandy, well-drained soil. When planted in the lawn, be certain not to cut the leaves off when the lawn is mowed. The leaves are needed for photosynthesis to build up the new bulbs for the next season. For a massive effect, plant in great sweeps of 100 to 150 bulbs. Use them in rock gardens, ground covers, containers, mass plantings and borders.


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Price: $9.95
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