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Home » Flower Bulbs » Fall Bulbs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Baboon Flower - Mixed Colors
Baboon Flower - Mixed Colors
The Baboon Flower 'Assorted Colors, 'Babiana', a fall planted corm, produces enchanting flowers on slightly hairy leaves with each stem bearing up to 5 flowers of outstanding beauty, color and shape. The common name 'Baboon Flower' comes from the fact that baboons used to dig up the corms for food! They are also very fragrant. This plant has a bloom duration of 6 to 8 weeks, and it flowers in the summer to late summer.Babiana will do well in any average garden soil, but prefers fast-draining soil. In northern climates, lift the bulbs when cold weather arrives and store over the winter. When used for an indoor plant, place the bulbs in a deep (6-8) pot. Stop watering when the leaves turn brown, and then resume after six weeks. This plant attracts butterflies and it is great for containers, borders and as a specimen plant.


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Price: $9.95
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