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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Autumn Olive
Autumn Olive
The Autumn Olive tree, Elaeagnus umbellata, is a medium sized tree or a large shrub reaching heights of 20 plus feet. The leaves, borne alternately on the stems, are generally oval in shape, approximately 1-3 inches long, and lack teeth. The upper surface of the leaves is dark green to grayish-green in color, while the lower surface is covered with silvery white scales, a conspicuous characteristic that can be seen from a distance when the leaves move. The small light yellow flowers bloom in late April and May. This deciduous tree is a good plant for fast growing windbreaks and for wildlife food and cover. The small (less than one-quarter inch) fleshy fruits range in color from pink to red, are finely dotted with pale scales, and are produced in abundance each year. Wild life such as wild turkey, pheasant, quail and dove relish its fruit.


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Price: $16.45
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