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Home » Perennials

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Lungwort - Milky Way
Lungwort - Milky Way
The Lungwort Milky Way, 'Pulmonaria', also known as Bethlehem Sage, is a great ground cover for any shady area, helping to lighten up parts of the garden. The pink and white flowers bloom in April and fade to blue and make a great contrast to the foliage. The foliage is lance-shaped and heavily spotted with silver, not to mention mildew resistant. 'Milky Way'� has a plant height of 21'� and a spread of 18-23'�. 'Milky Way'� needs to be planted in a full shaded area with well-drained soil. It is a wonderful contrast with hostas, under shrubs and along paths. 'Milky Way'� is a vigorous grower and resistant to slugs and is great for a first time gardener.


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Price: $11.95
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