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Home » Perennials

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Fox Glove - Foxy Mix
Fox Glove - Foxy Mix
The Foxglove Foxy Mix, 'Digitalis 'Foxy Mix'�, is a showy and compact perennial that produces an array of pastel blooms. Colors include: pink, pale yellow, purple, white and magenta with marbled markings. The dense spikes produce large tubular flowers. The foliage has a velvet and fuzzy texture that contrast well with the flower colors. 'Foxy Mix'� has a plant height of 30-36'� and a spread of 8-10'�.Digitalis should be planted in full sun but will tolerate morning shade. It blooms early to mid summer. Being a major attraction to bees, butterflies and birds, it is a must in any garden. Try planting it in woodland gardens, as a border plant or cut-flowers. Remember to leave some dead flower stalks to self sow for future flowers. (All parts of Digitals are poisonous if ingested and can be invasive.)


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Price: $10.95
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