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Home » Flower Bulbs » Spring Bulbs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Onions - Shallot Red
Onions - Shallot Red
The Onion Shallot Red Sun, Allium cepa 'Red Sun', a spring planted bulb, produces an oval or elongated bulb, formed in clusters on a common base. The flavor of a shallot is less pronounced than an onion. The Onion Shallot Red Sun is probably the best of the red shallots. It has a hardy flavor perfect for cooking or topping a salad. Shallots are considered essential in French cooking, with a flavor somewhere between onions and garlic. Use greens as you would use green onions or chives. Onion bulbs are the surest route to success in the home garden. Place them in loose, fertile soil for best results.


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Price: $9.95
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