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Home » Flower Bulbs » Spring Bulbs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Begonia - Non-Stop - Red
Begonia - Non-Stop - Red
The Non-Stop Begonia Red, 'Begonia', displays deep crimson red blooms for a blanket of bright color. Non-Stop Begonias produce masses of perfectly formed, medium-sized flowers. It has all the strength and vigor of regular Begonias, but is actually the first strain to produce truly compact, double flowering blooms and a real dwarf growing habit, making it wind resistant. They start flowering very early...flower buds actually appear with the first leaves. With a long continuous blooming period (June to fall) and low growth habit, they are excellent for low borders and window boxes. Also used in groups of three at focal points or in patio tubs. Hardy in zones 10; elsewhere dig prior to frost, and store in a frost free location.


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Price: $8.05
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