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Home » Annuals

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Sweet Bell Peppers - Blushing Beauty
Sweet Bell Peppers - Blushing Beauty
The Sweet Bell Pepper Blushing Beauty,'Capsicum annuum', displays unusual colors of the four-lobed 4 x 4 inch fruitthat make this bell pepper an ornamental as well as a useful pepper plant. The fruit colors change from ivory to blush to red, then to orange-red and finally, a darker red as they mature. The Blushing Beauty bell peppers are thick walled and sweet tasting and they are tolerant to some bacterial leaf spot and tobacco mosaic.Transplant outside in the spring 3 to 4 weeks after last frost date. Note: To get a jump on the season transplant outside, use a walls-of-water or some black plastic to maintain and increase temperatures. Pinch off early flowers to encourage plant growth. Plant in average garden soil with sufficient organic matter. Peppers use quite a bit of water but prefer to be watered deeply and not too often. Blossom pruning will improve fruit size.


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Price: $5.82
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