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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Non Bell Sweet Peppers - Banana Supreme
Non Bell Sweet Peppers - Banana Supreme
The Sweet Pepper Banana Supreme, 'Capsicum annuum Hybrid', is an improved sweet banana type pepper with up to 37% greater yields. The Sweet Banana Supreme is an early producer of sweet banana peppers that measure up to 8 inches by 2 inches. The peppers are sweet with a smooth skin. It slowly matures to red but remains sweet. Compared to the old Sweet Banana, the fruits are larger and the plants are more vigorous and higher yielding.Transplant outside in the spring 3 to 4 weeks after last frost date. Note: To get a jump on the season transplant outside, use a walls-of-water or some black plastic to maintain and increase temperatures. Plant in average garden soil with sufficient organic matter. Peppers use quite a bit of water but prefer to be watered deeply and not too often.


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Price: $5.82
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