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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Hot Peppers - Tobasco G
Hot Peppers - Tobasco G
The Pepper Chili Tabasco Greenleaf, 'Capsicum frutescens', is a very hot pepper with a uniquely smoky flavor. The Tabasco Greenlaf is used for sauce and either fresh or dried in spicy Asian, Cajun or Creole dishes. Tabasco Greenlaf is a disease resistant, very hot voriety ot the chile used in the famous sauce for more than 130 years. The pods are about 1.5 inches long and are yellow, maturing to red. This plant is compact, bushy, and highly productive and is ideal for use in containers.Transplant outside in the spring 3 to 4 weeks after last frost date. Note: To get a jump on the season transplant outside, use a walls-of-water or some black plastic to maintain and increase temperatures. Plant in average garden soil with sufficient organic matter. Peppers use quite a bit of water but prefer to be watered deeply and not too often. Harvest when peppers have turned from green to red.


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Price: $5.82
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