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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Hot Peppers - Jalapeno M
Hot Peppers - Jalapeno M
The Pepper Jalapeno M, 'Capsicum annuum' is popular for Tex-Mex dishes and for pickling. The dark green fruits can be left on the bush to mature to a fiery red color. The fruit grows to a length of three inches. To promote increased production, pick peppers regularly. Jalapeno M is the hot pepper every one knows. Jalapeno M has fruit that is slightly larger than Early Jalapeno and it is the most popular variety in Mexico.Transplant outside in the spring 3 to 4 weeks after last frost date. Note: To get a jump on the season transplant outside, use a walls-of-water or some black plastic to maintain and increase temperatures. Plant in average garden soil with sufficient organic matter. Peppers use quite a bit of water but prefer to be watered deeply and not too often. Use gloves and do not touch any other part of the body after harvesting. Wash your hands immediately.


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Price: $9.95
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