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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Tomatillo - Toma Verde
Tomatillo - Toma Verde
The Tomatillo Toma Verde, 'Physalis ixocarpa', has a unique flavor that makes an indescribably tasty Salsa Verde, a salsa some say is far superior to red salsa. Toma Verde Tomatillo is adapted to grow successfully in wide range of climates. These papery-husked wonders prefer growing conditions similar to tomatoes, but they will handle a lot more heat and drought than tomatoes. Toma Verde grow quickly and produces in both southern and northern climates. Tomatillos are also called husk tomatoes.Plant Tomatillos in the spring, 2 weeks after the last frost and when soil temperatures are warm. Give tomatallo lots of space. Plant in average garden soil with some organic matter. Fruits should be harvested when they almost fill the husk but are still green in color.


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Price: $1.59
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