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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Pea - Edible Pod - Oregon Sugar Pod
Pea - Edible Pod - Oregon Sugar Pod
The Pea Snow Oregon Sugar Pod ll, 'Pisum sativum', is a flat podded type pea that has great disease resistance and is tasty and stringless. This is one of those vegetables that tastes much better garden grown than from a store. The Oregon Sugar Pod ll produces a huge number of 4 inch tasty pods which are harvested and eaten when the pods are flat, before the seed forms. The short 28 inch plants are easy to manage and they are excellent for the freezer.Plant in the early spring, as soon as the soil can be worked. In mild climates, plant in the fall for winter harvest. Peas prefer well drained soil. Keep the plants moist but do get them over watered and soggy. Snow peas should be harvested before the seeds start to form. Peas that are too mature will cause the plant to stop producing.


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Price: $1.59
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