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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Melon - Charentais
Melon - Charentais
The Melon Charentais, 'Cucumis melo', is the favorite melon in France. It has a mouth watering aroma and a succulent honey-sweet taste. Charentalis is a type of true cantaloupe from Europe. What Americans call cantaloupes are actually muskmelons. Charentais have thin smooth skin with light green stripes that mature to a creamy yellow. The orange flesh is fine-textured, delightfully scented and very sweet. You will not find Charentais in the grocery store because its thin skin and high sugar content make it too fragile to ship when ripe.Charentais are an annual warm season plant and they are very sensitive to frost. Melons prefer light well drained soil. Melons are heavy feeders. Fertilize lightly every six weeks after initial sowing. Plant in the spring, 1 to 2 weeks before the last frost or when soil temperatures begin to warm up.


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Price: $1.79
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